The Skim and the Squeeze // Justin Bradley

Do you ever feel pressured? OF COURSE YOU DO! Pressure is something we ALL deal with no matter who you are or what you do BUT… what if you were told that sometimes that pressure is meant to bring out the garbage and release a TREASURE that is inside of you? This week, Pastor Justin preaches a word from the Lord about handling the pressures of this life and the value of what is inside of you.

 Grab your phone and text “RedLifeBible” to 765-547-4698 to follow along with the scriptures for this series!

The Negative Space

This week, we get a little art lesson from Pastor Justin… NEGATIVE SPACE. God IS working even in the blank spaces of our lives where nothing is happening.  In fact, He OFTEN creates a masterpiece out of the “negative space”!

 Grab your phone and text “RedLifeBible” to 765-547-4698 to follow along with the scriptures for this series!

I’m Working It Out

Do you like working out? We like the results of working out, but the PROCESS of working out can be a different story. This week, Pastor Justin preaches on working out our relationship with Jesus and recognizing how He is working in US.

 Grab your phone and text “RedLifeBible” to 765-547-4698 to follow along with the scriptures for this series!

2023 Vision Recap // Justin Bradley

This week, Pastor Justin recaps our Vision Statement for RedLife Church;


We are committed to being a place where the Holy Spirit moves IN us and THROUGH us as we seek the presence of God and reach into the community to make disciples. A vision where RedLife Church is a place where we can grow stronger together.

 Grab your phone and text “RedLifeBible” to 765-547-4698 to follow along with the scriptures for this series!